Wednesday 24 June 2009

Do I feel lucky? Do I?

Am I lucky? Consider this:

31st May - My mock mock exam - I choose two questions from six, answering a question on sampling and a question on evaluating a research proposal.

1st June - My real mock exam - There are six questions on offer, of which I have to choose two. The choice includes a question on sampling and a question on evaluating a research proposal. The same questions that I'd answered the day before came up again. Jackpot!

23rd June - Study Leave - I write essay plans for 30 or 40 essays based on the test papers and model answers that came with my learning materials. The last batch of these includes preparing a plan in response to a question on qualitative vs quantitative individual interviews.

24th June (today) - Exam - I opened the exam paper, and was greeted by three very familiar questions. There was a question on sampling, a question on evaluating a research proposal, and a question on qualitative vs quantitative individual interviews. The question on sampling was a little different to the one I'd answered before, but the question on evaluating a research proposal was exactly the same as the one I'd already answered. Twice. And the qualitative vs quantitative individual interviews was exactly the same as the one I'd planned for yesterday

Am I lucky? If I'd chosen different questions for my mock mock, then I might have answered different questions on my real mock, and then different questions on my real exam. I wouldn't have had the luxury of writing an assessed essay that I'd already practiced twice before. That's pretty lucky, right?

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