Thursday 21 May 2009

Company and a crowd

I met Liz after work. We went for noodles, then met Ryan for a few drinks in Dulcimer.

It was an odd evening. I think you have a different kind of conversation when there are three of you. Its intimacy retreats to the level of the least well acquainted member of the party. It would have been rude for Liz and I to talk about anything too personal in Ryan’s company, and definitely awkward for Ryan. For that reason, it was a little unsatisfying. On the other hand, it was very nice to see her. I was balancing what was going on in my head, when Liz decided it was home time for her.

She stood. I didn’t get up fast enough to hug her goodbye, and it must have seemed to her like I wasn’t going to get up at all. She looked a little hurt, and came over. We hugged. I felt sad.

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