Friday 6 March 2009

Watchmen movie

The book is never as good as the film, it is often said. I love the book. I quite liked the film. There was blue penis than you'd get in a month of Smurf porn, which was a little off-putting at times. The film lacks some of the subtlety of the book - zooming into violent moments that the book suggested rather than showed, for example, or milking the sex scene in an embarrassingly OTT way. They changed the ending, which kinda makes sense in the post 9-11 world we're watching from. I really enjoyed the film, and I don't think a much better version could have been made. The differences between the film and the comic are tied into the differences in the media. So are comics cooler than films? I would have argued one corner five years ago. Now I'm not sure which side of the fence I'd fall down on.

After the screening, I met an funky Asian guy, like Dhruv or Roby, outside Odder. We had a bit of a chat about the Palestine protest going on over the road. He gave me a copy of New Internationalist to read. What a pleasant chap.

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