Friday 19 September 2008

Assault course, bowling green

It has been a strange week with Liz and I. Her work's been very busy, both her day-to-day tasks and the course she's doing as part of her job, and she's been training for a 10K run too. We'd hardly seen each other all week, so I was really glad when she suggested we walk home from work together. Liz had met up with her ex Alex last weekend, whilst I was was in Wellingborough, but we hadn't had a chance to talk about it. When I asked how seeing him had gone, we ended up having quite a difficult conversation about us. I felt pretty rough at some points whilst we were talking, but everything Liz said about how she felt made perfect sense. Her heart has enormous complications to negotiate, an assault course of emotions. Mine has a bowling green.

Liz called later on, and we laughed and joked on the phone. I felt massively relieved, and glad that we'd spoken in the way that we had.

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